Philosophy series #20 Masayoshi Son: A Visionary with Unbounded Ambition

Samuel Atta Amponsah
3 min readMay 22, 2023
Masayoshi Son

Masayoshi Son, the founder and CEO of SoftBank Group Corp., is a man of unparalleled vision and unbounded ambition. His philosophy is deeply rooted in the belief that technology has the power to shape the future and drive positive change on a global scale. Through his relentless pursuit of innovation and disruptive investments, Son has established himself as one of the most influential figures in the world of technology and venture capital. This paper delves into the philosophy of Masayoshi Son, exploring his key principles, his investment strategies, and the impact of his visionary leadership.

Key Principles:
At the core of Masayoshi Son’s philosophy is the idea that technological innovation has the potential to revolutionize industries and improve the lives of individuals worldwide. He believes in the power of “information revolution,” where advancements in artificial intelligence, robotics, and connectivity can drive significant societal transformations. Son’s philosophy is grounded in the understanding that in order to achieve breakthroughs, one must think big, take risks, and challenge conventional wisdom. He encourages his team and partners to embrace a spirit of entrepreneurship, to disrupt established norms, and to constantly push the boundaries of what is possible.

Investment Strategies:
Masayoshi Son’s investment strategies reflect his philosophy of taking bold risks and seeking transformative opportunities. He has a penchant for identifying emerging technologies and startups that have the potential for exponential growth. SoftBank’s Vision Fund, a $100 billion venture capital fund led by Son, focuses on investing in cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and biotechnology. Son’s approach is not limited to merely providing financial backing but also involves actively nurturing and supporting the companies in which he invests. His philosophy revolves around long-term value creation, and he believes in standing by his investments through the ups and downs, even in the face of adversity.

Impact of Visionary Leadership:
Under Masayoshi Son’s visionary leadership, SoftBank has become a global powerhouse, influencing the technology landscape and driving innovation across multiple industries. His audacious acquisitions, such as ARM Holdings and Boston Dynamics, have cemented SoftBank’s position as a major player in the tech world. Son’s philosophy extends beyond traditional investments, as he also seeks to create a positive impact through initiatives like the SoftBank Vision Fund 2, which focuses on sustainable and socially responsible investments. His leadership style embodies resilience, adaptability, and the courage to take calculated risks, inspiring others to think big and embrace disruptive ideas.

Masayoshi Son’s philosophy is a testament to the power of visionary thinking and the impact it can have on the world. His unwavering belief in the potential of technology, coupled with his audacious investment strategies, has positioned him as a trailblazer in the realm of entrepreneurship and venture capital. Through his leadership, Son has not only driven the growth and success of SoftBank but has also fueled innovation, shaped industries, and sparked global conversations about the future of technology. His philosophy serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs, reminding them of the transformative power of big ideas, calculated risks, and relentless determination. Masayoshi Son’s vision continues to shape the world we live in, as he paves the way for a future driven by innovation and boundless ambition.



Samuel Atta Amponsah

Sammy is a 24yr old avid reader and productivity junkie with an unquenchable curiosity and has an array of interests he writes about on multiple platforms.