Global Trade Chessboard: China's Countermove in the Tariff Tug-of-War Unveils a New Era of Economic Strategy.

Samuel Atta Amponsah
2 min readMay 23, 2024
China President: Xi Jinping

In a move signaling escalating tensions in global trade dynamics, the People's Republic of China has initiated a retaliatory measure in the wake of the United States' recent imposition of substantial tariffs. On Sunday, the Ministry of Commerce of China commenced an anti-dumping investigation targeting polyoxymethylene (POM) copolymers imports. This thermoplastic, integral to various applications ranging from automotive components to consumer electronics, is under scrutiny for its origins in the United States, the European Union, Taiwan, and Japan. The versatility of POM copolymers, characterized by their malleability under heat, which solidifies upon cooling, positions them as potential substitutes for traditional metals like copper and zinc in various manufacturing processes.

The probe, as outlined by China's Ministry of Commerce, is expected to span one year, with a provision for a six-month extension, underscoring the thorough nature of the investigation. This development emerges after President Joe Biden's declaration that tariffs on $18 billion worth of Chinese imports, notably electric vehicles (EVs) and a broad spectrum of other products, will experience a significant escalation over the coming two years. In a marked shift, the tariff on EV imports from China is slated to nearly quadruple, jumping from 27.5% to 100%. This strategic adjustment is aimed at counteracting the aggressive pricing strategies employed by Chinese EV manufacturers, supported by Beijing's policies. At the same time, American car imports are subjected to a 40% tariff by China.

The Biden administration articulates that these measures are pivotal in safeguarding American labor and enterprises against China's trade practices, which are characterized by the inundation of global markets with exports priced below fair market value. In retaliation, China has pledged to undertake "all necessary actions" to defend its legitimate interests.

Concurrently, the European Union is examining the state aid provided to Chinese EV manufacturers. Should this inquiry ascertain that prices are artificially depressed, the EU is prepared to impose additional import duties by early July.

This intricate tapestry of trade measures and countermeasures highlights the intricate interdependencies that define the global economic landscape and underscores the nuanced strategies nations employ in safeguarding their domestic industries while navigating the choppy waters of international commerce. As these developments unfold, the implications for global trade networks and the automotive and electronics sectors remain to be fully discerned. The ongoing situation calls for a meticulous analysis of the evolving trade dynamics between these economic titans and their impact on the broader global financial order.




Samuel Atta Amponsah

Sammy is a 24yr old avid reader and productivity junkie with an unquenchable curiosity and has an array of interests he writes about on multiple platforms.